#4833 Morgen SDS: Spieler - Besiegte Gegner

Rang Name Besiegt
1 raukada 268.654
2 Storm95 172.144
3 Paladin of Hell 44.408
4 Einfach Schlecht 33.701
5 .Pot 0f Gold 21.274
6 thats what she said 20.764
7 -Enjoy* The World* 19.638
8 nOOb.g@ming 13.991
9 feuerball005 12.199
10 -Felix Norris.? x3 11.716
11 Stone18 10.470
12 saddix 8.928
13 Uthred of Bebanburgh 8.776
14 iQ.KYHU 7.596
15 Chang3-Happ3ns 6.995