#5544 Fight SDS: Spieler - Besiegte Gegner

Rang Name Besiegt
1 xDxDxD 991.816
2 21cent 822.022
3 No Try? 329.836
4 Internet Expolorer 206.961
5 backingame 198.946
6 -LoOoOoL* 141.757
7 Tesalon 120.156
8 sascha2345 103.872
9 ***Lord of the War**** 86.035
10 ichbinshalt 84.911
11 Z3rO 64.642
12 Apfelmus. 60.529
13 -Feel the Energy 55.908
14 dnai 40.057
15 SchwulerRitterMitLanze 39.604